Bioplastic containers have features and properties of use completely similar to the traditional ones, but they are biodegradable and compostable in accordance with European Standard UNI EN 13432
New Plastic – leading company in the production and sale of polypropylene food containers – has now available in its wide range of products also bioplastic containers.
Bioplastic containers have features and properties of use completely similar to the traditional ones, but they are biodegradable and compostable in accordance with European Standard UNI EN 13432, allowing to optimize the management of waste (they are disposed through “organic recycling” along with food and garden waste) drastically reducing the environmental impact.
The bioplastics used use vegetable components of different nature; among them cornstarch, obtained from non-GM maize, grown in Europe according to the normal agronomic practices applied by European agricultural companies.
Also vegetable oils deriving from non-GM crops (neither palm oil nor soybean oil are used), cellulose, natural fillers as well as raw materials of fossil origin are used.